Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Urban Numina The Movie: Enough Dilly Dallying

Now that the characters have been firmly established, it's time to get the ball rolling.

I've reached the point in the script where Urge originally visits the flat. In the series this played out differently from the original plan.

Originally Urge shows up alone, seduces Mel while making Deus and Devon uncomfortable - and then agrees to go out with Mel while Deus and Devon debate the fallout of Urge's arrival.

This time around I want to tease things out a bit more without stalling the plot. I also want to give Andrea more to do.

So now Andrea and Carey head to the library to research Deus and the enigmatic Anima - although they don't know her name, only a vague description from Deus.

Meanwhile Andrea leaves Mel and Devon to babysit Deus. Which Devon is not keen to do. I'm really making Deus work to charm Devon. In the film Devon is clearly seeing Deus as more of a chore than a potential partner at this stage. It's making for a more interesting tale. Mel is the one who is clearly getting the hots for Deus.

Feeling a bit rebellious, Devon leaves the flat - against Andrea's advice - and naturally Deus follows. Urge follows from afar and tries to work out what is going on. He also, strangely, recognises Devon. Rhys shows up and confusion reigns. Leading Deus to turn to Andrea for advice - and a hilarious scene at her workplace.

Mel, meanwhile, finds an unlikely ally in Jenna and soon finds herself also getting involved in uncovering the mystery of Deus and the pot - inevitably learning something unexpected about Jenna, and also heading down a path towards her own divine encounter with a mysterious character who never made it into the series.

By the time this segment is completed, we have learned more about the factions involved and the stage gets set for Deus to be forced to make a decision.

This is also the section of the story where we see how Deus' intervention changes the dynamics in the three core relationships. Devon sees Rhys for who he really is. Andrea sees Carey for who he actually is. Mel discovers that she has more in common with Jenna than she initially realises.

But things are about to get worse because this is also the segment where Anima makes her move and disrupts the situation more.

Make My Movie Tally Update
We are now at 219 votes.

Thanks to everyone who is voting. Keep them coming! :)


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