Friday, September 30, 2011

Urban Numina The Movie: Votes and Rewrites

With the competition at Make My Movie heating up, I've been really pushing and promoting Urban Numina. When I initially started pitching films for Make My Movie, I had three concepts. The idea was to let the public pick the film they wanted to see most. When a clear winner took the lead, that was going to be the film I would throw all my energy behind.

I have to admit, I was somewhat surprised by Urban Numina's popularity. Every day it just surged ahead of the other two films, and kept gaining momentum. With the interest in the film version growing, I started going over the original script revising and tightening the concept.

To win this competition it is going to take more than popularity - votes will get us to the big opportunity, but what Urban Numina needs is a strong script to win. I didn't want to simply paste the series together and polyfiller the gaps in the plot. I wanted the movie to stand on its own as a movie.

So my initial script was a tighter tale that cut out characters like Aoibheann, Moira, Carey and Jenna. But I felt it still lacked something. As I worked on rewrites, it struck me. What was Urban Numina the movie?

I had a story, and I had themes and a plot. But I felt that Urban Numina needed to have a clear identity that would make it different. Then it struck me - what if I took the gods out. What kind of a movie would that be?

Inspiration struck at the same time as I was contacted by Miranda Sadjack, who was following my twitter account and promoting her own short film - Gone. I pledged my support and got sent the script. It was a beautiful and incredibly well written script that I found inspiring from a writer's voice perspective. Seriously, go to that link and pledge the project. That film needs to be made. I can wait here...

Pledged? Great. So what was my big idea.

Urban Numina the movie is an indie relationship comedy movie that ends up having a god fall in the middle of it and send it careening off into an unexpected direction.

As a result, I have been thinking about what would have happened if Deus never showed up, then let that direct where things go because he does show up. Following? Well I'll be posting regularly about the development of the script as I go along.

The other big change is focusing more on Andrea, Devon and Mel as individuals. The webseries went off track when we were forced to make last minute rewrites due to unforeseen circumstances. As a result the show became a bit unfocused, in my view. With the movie I can return to what I really wanted to do with the story.

There are three key relationships that Deus' arrival disrupts. Devon and Rhys. Andrea and Carey. Mel and Jenna.

I will be posting more about the relationships at a later date.


Just a reminder about how the voting in Make My Movie works.

Stage One
This is the open stage where anyone can pitch a film. The judges will pick twelve films out of the hundreds of applicants. The decision will be based on a combination of popularity, the idea itself and whether the judges feel that the film can be made for the funding provided. (Or something like that.)

So while the votes aren't directly linked to success, they will be used to decide the likely popularity of the film and will have an influence on the decision. So obviously more votes are still a good thing if we can get them. So get your friends voting. I will be spending the month of October discussing the rewrites of the film, both out of interest but also to help give you - the fans - resources to direct friends to in order to convince them to vote for us.

I really do believe that Urban Numina can be made for $100,000 and will be a hilarious and broadly appealing film. So do your part to help us! :)

Stage Two
Once the judges have chosen twelve films to go through to the next stage, then the competition really heats up. The public are in full control here. The votes are reset to zero and the two films that get the most votes win. Simple as that.

I have already started work on plans to campaign for Urban Numina in the event of getting through to this round. This includes the enticements I mentioned last post, along with some cool little ideas and promotional materials. Naturally I will discuss these in more detail in November.

Stage Three
The toughest stage. This is when the two winners have to present their scripts and materials to the judges. The judges will then pick the winner, who will receive the $100,000 funding to make their movie. That is why I'm doing rewrites now - a feature film script is a big challenge, and to be up to scratch it needs to go through a few rewrites.

I believe in Urban Numina, and I want to provide the best script possible for this film. Hence getting it done now and spending the rest of this year tightening and improving. While it does have a strong gay storyline, I want to make the film have a much broader appeal. I want this to be a comedy that isn't just shelved as "gay comedy." I want people to look at this as something fresh and fun.

Remember, every person you convince to vote now is getting us that little bit closer to getting the funding. Also remind your friends Urban Numina the webseries was made for around $150.  Imagine what we can achieve with $100,000, professional crew, professional producer, script supervisor and backing.

And because I like to keep reminding people of the link. :)

See you later!


Friday, September 23, 2011

Urban Numina The Movie: Synopsis and How You Can Help!

It has been some time since I posted on here. A lot has been going on in regards to film projects and continuing Urban Numina. But here is some exciting news, I'm working on an Urban Numina feature film!

Currently a new competition has been started here in New Zealand, with the chance to win $100,000 funding towards an independent movie. I put forward three pitches, of which Urban Numina has proven to be the most popular.

The competition works as thus. Judges will select the top twelve films out of those pitched - using the votes as a guide to pick the best choices.

Votes are made by either liking the film's page, tweeting its link or choosing +1 via google+.

Once the top 12 are chosen, the votes are reset and voting begins again. The top voted two then have to present scripts to the judges and a final winner will be decided.

Urban Numina still is a far way off from winning. But I have been working hard to promote it. I'm taking a leaf from the crowdfunding manual.

The voting is social media based - so it isn't enough to just vote. Each voter needs to convince as many of their friends to vote too, and so on.

But this can be a tough sell out of the many entries at the site. So I'm putting forth this post that you can guide people to. Below is a synopsis of the start of the film along with details as to what happens in the latter part (avoiding spoilers.)

I have spent a fair amount of time crafting the story into a feature film format, which requires a different narrative to the series. It needs to stand on its own as a story and introduce the characters without spending too much time waffling. I'm confident that the script delivers on this. It is much funnier and takes a lot from the feedback I got from the series.

Now for the crowdfunding part -

I need you to help me get the votes I need. If I can get even as half as many votes as people who watched the first episode - Urban Numina stands an excellent chance of winning.

To this end here are some enticements for if the film wins.

  • Everybody who votes will get a supporter mention in the end credits.

  • If you convince 20+ friends to vote - you will get special mention in the credits.

  • If you convince 50+ friends to vote - you will get an Executive Producer credit.

  • If you convince 100+ friends to vote - Executive Producer credit and a special personalised video from cast and crew thanking you for your support.

  • If you convince 150+ friends to vote - Executive Producer credit, personal video and a signed poster. If you are based in NZ and can get to Wellington, I'll include a walk on role and dinner with the cast.
These enticements will become active once we make it to the second round of the competition, and I will be setting up a page to keep track of everyone who wants to claim a vote. 

To vote, people need to go to

Now for the synopsis and a link to the last episode. :)


Currently I'm in the process of rewriting the script and thus the synopsis has changed. Keep checking the blog for more information.

Here's a brief summary teaser:

Devon is heartbroken, Andrea is trying to get heartbroken and Mel is just breaking hearts. Just when the three friends feel they are getting on top of their problems, an amnesiac god named Deus literally drops into the middle of their lives.

Now Devon is trying to get his boyfriend back while  having to babysit Deus, Andrea is having to turn to the man she wants to break up with and Mel is not only breaking hearts but contemplating breaking bones too. And that's when things get really complicated...