Currently I am working on two key scenes at the beginning of Act Two. Both are focused on Devon.
The first scene is where Mel and Devon are talking about his breakup with Rhys. This is a fairly dialogue heavy scene, and such scenes can be notoriously boring to watch. So the goal is to be mixing verbal and non verbal components to the scene.
Mel is explaining to Devon how valuable a rebound relationship is to recovering from a broken heart. Devon, clearly, isn't buying any of it.
So there needs to be a lot of visual humour showing us how the two characters are reacting to each other during the conversation, along with having Deus stirring trouble in the background while he is being ignored by the two flatmates.
This leads into the next sequence, which is a series of scenes in montage. This sequence will have no verbal component and instead be a purely visual series of jokes and scenes showing Devon and Deus getting to know each other.
This montage is a great opportunity for me to showcase Wellington, a city that I find to be visually interesting to show, as well as forward the plot without relying on verbal exposition. Telling the story in a film is more than characters telling us what is going on - and this sequence needs to set up that Devon is falling for Deus, that Deus is more than just a dim amnesiac entity, why Devon is attracted to Deus as a person, and what Urge is doing while all this is going on.
Not at all challenging, right? ;)
So it's off to work I go, getting these montage scenes down pat before I move on to Carey and Andrea in the library.
Make My Movie Tally Update
As of writing, the tally is now up to: 224 votes.
Still a way to go, but we're getting there. And as always - thanks to everyone who has voted. It's awesome to see the support! I won't let you down! :)
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