Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Rehearsals Part One: Sharing and Caring

Last weekend we had our first read through / rehearsal for Urban Numina. I'll be posting some video from the rehearsal later this week, it was a lot of fun.

It is important to hold a read through of the scripts fairly early on in the production process. This is an opportunity to let the actors get used to the script and the delivery. Especially when dealing with a comedy. To help avoid actors bursting out laughing mid performance you want them to know the jokes well before hand. It's not a guarantee, of course, but it helps.

My method was to first read a script with all the direction notations and actions. Then we would reread the script with just the actor's lines. Given that much of Urban Numina has snappy back and forth dialogue, it is important to hear the flow of the conversation.

This is a big opportunity for me to make alterations to the script if something stands out or we get better ideas during the rehearsal.

The other thing I try to do is engage the cast and crew in discussions about their thoughts on the scripts. This is no guarantee that I will make the changes they want - and some things I have chosen to not change - but it gives them input and the ability to change the things that particularly bug them.

As a result of the rehearsal, the scripts are tightening up and I'm seeing which jokes work and which fall a bit flat.

So far, it looks like we have a real hit on our hands.

Next: Rehearsal video


P.S. As a little bonus, here is a video of Mike (Deus) and Josh (Devon) bonding over a little beatbox practice during the cast drinks on Friday. This was shot on iPhone and it was a noisy night - so apologies for the sound. :)

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